Meet the Team… Dominic McLarnon, CREDIT Technology Gateway

Dominic McLarnon, CREDIT Technology Gateway Manager, leans on railing and looks towards the camera with hands crossed.

Tell us a bit about CREDIT Technology Gateway?

CREDIT Technology Gateway is the new kid on the block when it comes to Technology Gateways. As one of 16 national Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateways, CREDIT provides technological expertise in the field of renewables and energy optimisation to generate solutions for the close to market needs of Irish industry and business sector. CREDIT Technology Gateway is fast becoming a vital part of Ireland’s energy and renewables research and innovation landscape actively supporting business and industry to become more competitive facilitated through problem solving, targeted R&D, innovation and enabling faster adoption of emerging technologies and processes to create new markets.

Describe your role within the Gateway?

My role as Technology Gateway Manager encompasses the operational management of the projects, clients, staff and overall centre activities and management of the facilities and equipment. Mapping the core Gateway energy research expertise of the CREDIT team to determine collaboration opportunities across the energy sector is a key factor in driving its success. As Gateway Manager at CREDIT I am continually developing and increasing business growth in the energy sector by equipping organisations and clients with the right infrastructure, testing environments, demonstration tools and technologies, and research and development expertise to bring new products, processes and services closer to market.

What is unique about Gateway and its presence in Dundalk?

DkIT has a long history of working directly with industry to provide solutions that solve real world problems, boost productivity, develop the workforce and provide a catalyst for technological change. The CREDIT centre itself has a number of focussed domains of research themes that are strategically aligned across the needs of the emerging energy and renewables sector both regionally and across the island. These include renewables, wind energy, ocean and marine energy, bioenergy, and energy optimisation. The CREDIT Gateway is dedicated to supporting Irish business and industry sector to accelerate innovation by facilitating funding programmes that can help test new ideas, share know how and support entry onto new markets.

Explain the importance for companies in making their products and/or manufacturing operations energy efficient?

Investing in energy efficiency or in new generation sustainable technologies can make sound investments, often paying back in only a few years. Globally we are seeing customers profiting from improving their energy efficiency. As well as the bottom line impact, investing in new sustainable energy solutions can also unlock new growth and improve productivity and overall competitiveness. The commitments by government to achieve net zero by 2050 puts clean growth at the heart of its industrial strategy and sends a clear and important signal to the economy, to businesses, farmers and to our communities that sustainability will drive investment, to allow both reach climate targets, stimulate job creation and provide a safer and healthier environment for all society.

What are the main benefits for a company collaborating with CREDIT?

CREDIT Gateway is well placed to actively apply emerging technologies, capabilities, expertise and specialist knowledge across the energy and renewables sector to help pioneering businesses succeed in the introduction of new and improved processes, products and services, generating new revenue streams. We have the hands-on expertise and extensive knowledge of new and emerging energy markets and R&D programmes combined with the access to leading facilities and expertise, to test and scale up new developments and technologies, to accelerate innovation and access to new markets.

What is the first step/s a company should consider when considering a project?

It is critical that that companies are clear about the scope of the project, the why and objective outcomes of the project at an early stage. This is why early engagement with Technology Gateways is vital, as all stakeholders have a role to play in defining the project. Our expertise will provide an independent and credible view of your innovation concept or idea. We can then provide the access to expertise, facilities and funding sources to support your development plans. From that point forward you gain access to a valuable development partner and its networks to accelerate the commercialisation of your technology and/or optimisation of your processes.

What funding mechanisms are available for companies who want to explore an energy project?

CREDIT Gateway is uniquely positioned, because of its border location, as a research knowledge provider to offer both Enterprise Ireland, InterTradeIreland, Interreg and Invest NI funding supports. These can include EI Innovation Vouchers, EI Innovation Partnerships, ITI Innovation Boost and Invest NI Innovation Vouchers plus the exciting new EI Green Offer. In addition, who knows what new funding opportunities the new PEACE + funding call will open up for our companies and industry clients in 2022?

As a new member of the Technology Gateway team, what are you most looking forward to?

I am genuinely excited to be working with Ireland’s innovative and high-growth-potential SMES and company sector to develop and de-risk their products and services, accelerating their deployment to market through engagement within the CREDIT Technology Gateway model. The big plan is to grow the CREDIT Gateway to become a vibrant part of Ireland’s renewables and energy optimisation research and development innovation landscape by actively supporting companies and industry to become more competitive through innovation and enabling faster adoption of emerging technologies and processes to create new markets.

How can a company get in touch with CREDIT?

Contact Dominic McLarnon on:

LinkedIn: Dominic McLarnon | LinkedIn
Twitter: @credit_gateway
Tel: +353 (0)42 9370146
Mob: +353 (0)85 8817477

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