Nimbus: Meet our Interns who are helping us build our Mixed Reality Labs


Here at Nimbus we are well on our way to developing our Mixed Reality Lab, even from a distance! One of the main pillars of Nimbus is to engage in education and training across all our technologies and domains by hiring interns from CIT and other institutes across the world. In this spirit we would like to introduce our multimedia interns Garvan and Peter who have been working extensively on the research and development of our MR Lab. They share with us their backgrounds and views on why MR is one of the most important and exciting emerging technologies not just for businesses but for society, especially during this time of uncertainty.

Garvan is currently studying Computer Science in CIT with a primary focus on Virtual Reality and User Interface Design. “My main interests in MR revolve around the benefits it will bring to day to day life, improving both education and entertainment” says Garvan.

“In light of what is happening with the global pandemic Covid-19 there has never been a more urgent time for innovative solutions for the challenges of our modern world. In schools across the globe, students at all levels are facing difficulties in keeping up to date with course work. This pandemic has changed how students are educated and we need to come to the realisation that this may be more long term than originally anticipated. We have already seen the majority of third level institutes conducting online lectures but we need to look at utilising virtual technology and online classes for primary schools. However even though we can see some solutions to continue teaching, the quality of learning is heavily dependent on the level and quality of digital access”

Garvan continues to say that “The future of MR lies in improved methods of training the workforce of tomorrow, with greater efficiency.  Simulated training is already impressive as it is, but things will only become more impressive and more realistic over time”. With a lot of people now working from home we need to ensure that businesses are provided with the relevant knowledge and skills that is required to keep their business running as well as ensuring that employees can continue to work remotely and avoid job losses. This is also echoed by Peter, a 3rd Year Creative Digital Media Student in CIT who says that “integrating Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality into daily life and also how we can enhance current technology and devices is now more important than ever”.

This post was originally published on the Nimbus Website.

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