Development of a Proprietary Thruster Engine Propulsion System

CJ Thruster Satellite Engine
CJ Research was set up in 2006 with the express purpose of creating a technology that will facilitate the development of a CJ Thruster Satellite Engine, a novel propellantless Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) system for in-space applications.
The CJ Thruster Engine concept is disruptive in that it does not rely on the expulsion of a propellant to achieve thrust. The system converts electrical energy into electromagnetic force fields that interact with other magnetic force fields. Using solar power alone, the system can deliver a sustainable net positive thrust capable of manoeuvring small satellites and other space craft.
The major drawbacks of conventional propulsion methods for spacecraft are primarily the volatile nature of the fuel/propellant, posing risk and high cost in management & storage, and creating pollution in space due to the jettison of propellant in flight.
Proprietary propulsion system
CJ Research is looking into developing a proprietary propulsion system for space application, with an ideal design focus on low energy propulsion and ensure that the proposed device is generating net positive thrust while not in conflict with the conservation laws of energy and momentum.
Over a series of 3 x Innovation Vouchers CREDIT Technology Gateway conducted extensive research on the state-of-the-art technology in propulsion system to pinpoint the key obstacles in developing a prototype device for real testing in future iteration of the project. A 3D CAD model has been designed to simulate the operation of the proposed propulsion system and a mathematical model is developed with evaluated parameters to validate the feasibility of the project.
The final iteration of the project is based on the follow up work on the development of the test rig for a proposed novel design on propulsion system, optimizing the movement of the test rig with upgraded hardware, mounting sensor on the test rig such as accelerometer to study the movement of the propulsion, record and perform preliminary data analysis on the behaviour movement of the test rig. Video evidence and sensor data were collected to validate net positive movement.

Irish Company
Innovation Vouchers
Proof of concept
“The directors of CJ Research would like to commend the management and staff of CREDIT Technology Gateway at the Regional Development Centre, Dundalk Institute of Technology whose persistence and determination resulted in the fact that they went above and beyond the call of duty, and then some, to ensure proof of concept was achieved over a three year period of meaningful engagement with the company that was absolutely exemplary.”
Tom Reilly, Managing Director, CJ Research
CJ Research & CREDIT Technology Gateway partnership
The company has obtained a desktop study on available propulsion systems, a preliminary mathematical model of the proposed propulsion system, and a viable test rig used to perform a series of experiments showcasing the net positive propulsion movement.
The whole concept of the innovative thruster net positive propulsion has been proven throughout the lifetime of this project at CREDIT TG. CJ Research have determined that other uses of the technology may emerge in any area where propulsion is required (on earth) and this could result from further research and development. As a result of the research work conducted by CREDIT Technology Gateway CJ Research are developing a large funding proposal to develop the technology and secure patent rights on the innovation.