Investigation of a farm plastics solution

Support recycling of farm plastics
Tralee based company, KK Hydraulics engaged with the IMaR Technology Gateway to carry out an innovative proposal to support recycling of farms plastics. The amount of waste plastic derived from agricultural practices is increasing and this trend is expected to continue. Although plastics are essential for certain farming practices and services, their impact on the environment is becoming an issue of major concern. KK Hydraulics supplies waste recycling and compaction machines in Ireland, as well as maintaining and refurbishing hydraulic systems and spare parts. Having completed their own market research on this subject, they observed a gap in the market for an affordable solution to the farm plastics problem.
Development of a detailed process flow
IMaR Technology Gateway commenced the innovation project exploring several possible options. With the initial innovation voucher, IMaR researchers expanded on KK Hydraulics review in addition to developing a detailed process flow of the farm plastics recycling process via the IFFPG, looked at the possibility of initiating a grant scheme for farmers with local representatives of the Green Party and looked into synergies within the local area for potential manufacture and material sourcing. The completion and findings of the first voucher, led to a second innovation voucher where a design for improvement in both functionality and efficiency, and a minimisation of production costs for a compactor was produced. Use of a third voucher to implement the designed model and further analyse its functionality with a view to additional improvements to the design is being explored.

Irish company
Innovation Vouchers
Innovative proposal
“We were extremely pleased with the level of professionalism and expertise shown. We were presented with a range of solutions for the project we were working on in a timely fashion and the results were more than we anticipated. The people we dealt with were very easy to work with and didn’t intrude in the day to day running of the business. We wish to take this project to the next stage and we are looking forward to working with the team again. We would be more than happy to recommend the team at IMaR to anyone..”
Jakes Kelly, Director – KK Hydraulics
KK Hydraulics & IMaR Technology Gateway partnership
IMaR provided a detailed report to KK Hydraulics for each innovation voucher completed. These reports included details of all the research conducted and associated findings enabling the transfer of a significant body of relevant knowledge to the client.