CAPPA Business and Innovation Seminar

Date: 23rd January 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Cork Institute of Technology

The Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis, in conjunction with Cork Institute of Technology, is holding a FREE Business and Innovation event.


  • Accessing Funding for Business
  • Maximising R&D Tax Credits and Knowledge DEvelopment Box Incentives (KPMG)
  • Examples of Collaborative Research
  • Marketing and Commercialisation Support

Breakfast will be served prior to the event (at 8 am).

If you are a business owner or involved in industry it’s likely you are continually looking for ways to give your company a competitive advantage. Continually striving to develop your business is challenging but there are a wide variety of schemes and expertise available to you which you may not be aware of. Over this morning session, we hope to provide you with important information as to how you can extract the maximum support from the support available. Members from CIT, CAPPA and KPMG will be available afterwards for 1-1 meetings if you wish.