Installation and provisioning of telemetric devices in cars

Data Management and Mining
eDriveGroup offer solutions to the retail, marketing and fleet sectors, with clients including some of the best known brands across the UK & Ireland. With a team of over 60 in operations and support, and over 120 in field based installations and service, eDrive delivers on both large and small projects. With the market set for significant transformation in the years ahead, various companies and service providers will be seeking new and more advanced methods of engaging with their customers and clients.
Ultimate customer experience
The MySafeDrive product will enable eDrive to offer value added services through targeted analysis with telemetric devices in the cars of consumers. Drivers can sign up, log in and have access to data captured on their driving habits by the telematics installed in their vehicle. It will summarise this data into a dashboard that provides, visually, key information on their driving. Furthermore, the data will be the property of the driver and the platform will enable them to switch insurance companies and to potentially avail of discounts based on responsible driving habits.

funding value
years working on the project
“TSSG gave us ideas around the technology that was available to us and what could be done in terms of developing an overall system. We moved on with an innovation partnership with TSSG and that allowed us to build a prototype into a full working system. We did a number of reiterations with TSSG in terms of teasing out exactly what the ideas behind the system were where we saw there were unique benefits and unique capabilities that we could go back out to the market with and through a number of these reiterations we ended up with the full function system.”
Kevin Mullarkey
CFO, eDrive
The eDrive Group & TSSG partnership
For this ongoing project, the team at TSSG are providing a solution that will scale to the growing demands of eDrive in the next few years. Another key metric in the architecture is the ability to allow eDrive to have a flexible approach to adding new service offerings to potential business clients without the need for a plethora of functional development needing to take place to accommodate this.
MySafeDrive will offer a new product offering for the eDrive group, enhancing their impact on their retail market drive. Given the very deep data gathered it also opens opportunities for eDrive to become a data / insight trading organisation, subject to normal protocols. The data gleaned from vehicle telematics devices has the potential to open up new market opportunities to the owners of such data. In particular, very detailed granular information can be gleaned from driver’s routine, patterns and habits allowing for companies to sell specific products and services based on these movements.