Personalised nutrition platform

Technology platform in the personalised nutrition space
SocialFeedia – is a technology platform in the personalised nutrition space focused on keeping healthy people healthy. We are living in the age of ‘you are what you eat’. SocialFeedia is based on a fusion of ground-breaking technologies incorporating AI, hyperspectral sensors and food DNA testing which will have the ability to optimize a person’s nutritional intake based on their genetic make-up. SocialFeedia’s technology identifies how genetic variations in the food that farmers produce, affects people’s responses to nutrients.
Insights to help Co Ops of Farmers
SocialFeedia will provide insights to help Co Ops of Farmers understand what consumers actually want through their purchasing behaviour. This allows them to focus on what they love most: producing great food sustainably and profitably.
To do this SocialFeedia needs help to understand the relationships between the commercialisation of the business and the scalability of the technology. Allowing for the understanding of the steps and stages involved in imagining the growth of the business, the processes necessary to support the growth of users and the technology needed to facilitate it.

years in business
standard & co-funded fast track Innovation Voucher
“TSSG and Social Feedia applied a step by step approach to the project to find the hidden value. Working with the team in TSSG has been a gamechanger for us as they continue to support us throughout our start-up journey.”
Mel Clohessy
Founder, Social Feedia
The SocialFeedia & TSSG Technology Gateway partnership
Working with TSSG, SocialFeedia was able to establish a user analysis and user experience (UX) strategy. This strategy explored the users and their interactions with the planned SocialFeedia platform through user flows and journeys. Once the users were established, we identified the features and functionality of the platform to produce low fidelity wireframes showcasing the layout of each key screen, a useful tool for the visualisation of the platform which can be used for demonstration and testing purposes. The work has given more insight into the SocialFeedia platform along its users which can be built upon in future development.
SocialFeedia are now in a position whereby they have a complete user analysis and user experience (UX) strategy which includes a set of low fidelity wireframes for the primary users. This allows SocialFeedia to further explore the business concept and build upon this strategy to translate into a working commercial product.