Thermal management review of existing battery pack cooling system

Battery Systems
Xerotech is a battery technology company that designs, engineers and produces lithium ion battery packs for non-road mobile machinery, from their HQ in Galway, Ireland.
Design and visualisation
Xerotech first engaged with the Design+ Gateway to undertake the design and 3D visualisation of its new APUs for deployment in the US. Using 3D CAD modelling and rendering, the design team at Design+ helped to visualise the Xerotech APU design. The design team then created visual storyboards of the process for demonstration purposes to future clients and investors.

Irish company
thermal management review
CFD analysis
“The change in cooling system design improved the cooling performance within the battery pack and is currently being integrated as part of future prototypes.”
Barry Flannery
CEO, Xerotech
The Xerotech & Design+ partnership
As part of a follow-on project, the Design+ Gateway also undertook a detailed thermal management review of the existing cooling system designs for the battery pack, identifying potential areas of underperformance.
Using CAD modelling, a detailed Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of the coolant flow in the battery pack was used to identify the optimum cooling circuit design and make recommendations on key areas of performance improvement.