Applied IoT: a Technology Gateway cluster

Applied IoT logo on black background

Innovative IoT solutions for Irish companies

Businesses across Ireland are capitalising on the research and engineering expertise of the Applied IoT Technology Gateway cluster, which is comprised of five Technology Gateways: COMAND (TUS), IMaR (MTU), NIMBUS (MTU), TSSG (WIT) & WiSAR (LyIT). Availing of nearly 250 industry focused professionals, companies are engaging in the development of new and revolutionary products, services and processes in the broad technology area of IoT.

Whilst the most common industrial projects undertaken with the Gateways are valued over â‚¬10,000, many companies are making use of the €5,000 Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher scheme as their first introduction to the Gateways. Companies then fund their own projects, with the Gateways acting as their external R&D departments.

Meet the Applied IoT Gateways

  • COMAND delivers end to end solutions – mobile, smart edge gateways, scalable & global cloud services, augmenting both user & immersive interaction with intelligent infrastructures.
  • IMaR applies its core expertise in providing electronic and mechanical hardware, software, IoT and data analytics innovation for increased productivity in the manufacturing, agriculture and process sectors.
  • NIMBUS is the industry interface for the Nimbus group in MTU. The Gateway develops IoT prototypes for a broad range of companies, connecting everyday objects and systems and making them smart.
  • ICS is spearheading the software development of next-generation digital technologies that enable seamless real-time interaction.
  • WiSAR provide IoT product and system solutions to industry using expertise in wireless sensor networks, electronics, antenna design and software.

Each Gateway has a dedicated Gateway Manager and a specialised business development team who act as the key contact points for companies and manage the successful delivery of each project from conception right through to final sign off.

Collaborating with the cluster

If you have an idea for a new product, service or process or are experiencing difficulties with an existing process – get in touch with us to see how we can assist you in developing an innovative solution.

Innovation Support Applications

The Applied IoT Technology Gateway cluster can help with Innovation Voucher applications for eligible companies. To qualify for a voucher, the company must have fewer than 250 full-time employees and an annual turnover total not exceeding €50 million and/or an annual Balance Sheet total not exceeding €43 million. Enterprise Ireland Innovation Vouchers, to the value of €5,000, can be redeemed for services provided by all members of the Technology Gateway Network.

Larger projects involving new processes or services, knowledge or know-how can access expertise from the Applied IoT Technology Gateway Group and have up to 80% of the research costs paid for by the Innovation Partnership Programme.

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