AerNua by EAM

Close up of sky with clouds
AerNua unit

Cutting-edge sterilisation technology

AerNua by Engineering Asset Management Limited (EAM Group) is a multifaceted physical resources asset management company with activities ranging from project planning and management to product development and regulatory certification. AerNua’s cutting-edge sterilisation technology and proven science assists in the production of clean air. Their aim is to help the community in the fight against COVID – 19 and other common virus transmissions.

Verification and validation

EAM reacted swiftly to drawbacks faced by community due to COVID-19 situation by developing a novel, highly integrated air-management, monitoring, and sterilisation appliance AerNua. EAM Group has CAPPA to help with the development process mostly in terms of characterisation and testing i.e. verification and validation of EAM Group’s system design and engineering calculations.

CAPPA has characterised and tested AerNua appliance in terms of special distribution of irradiance and airflow. This has been done on both empirical and numerical level.

Male and Female researchers wearing white lab coats in a lab. Male researcher holds a clipboard


Irish company


direct consultancy


of airborne particles destroyed

“CAPPA assigned AerNua with a team that was dedicated to assisting AerNua, providing the required guidance and expertise to ensure AerNua obtained a best in class service from start to finish. Highly recommend working with the team at CAPPA, their knowledge was astonishing and they went above and beyond to ensure a quality service.”

Marie Therese McCormack
Co-Founder, AerNua 

The EMA & CAPPA Technology Gateway partnership

CAPPA’s testing and mathematical evaluation of the AerNua 100 Series appliance provided AerNua with the confidence to move forward into full production in metal fabrication. AerNua feels that independent testing and, verification of the product and application of the science, strongly positions AerNua for investor funding and success in this competitive market.

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