VoiceTech assisted-living platform

Assisted living solutions
DMAC Technologies t/a VoiceTech owner Dave Carthy has been delivering assisted living solutions for the domestic market for a number of years. On this occasion, VoiceTech is keen to research and develop out a platform targeted again at the assisted living market where an elderly end user, or end user with disabilities, with no commercial WiFi service in their home can buy a low-cost kit from VoiceTech that provides a mic audio driven actuation service for TV, heating and other home appliances. The platform will be powered through a central mini-PC and a wireless mesh network. All out of a box at low cost.
A key aim of the platform is to support a single board PC, support localised WiFi, and accommodate a speaker and mic with noise cancellation. A key output of this project is a combined package supporting all of the above components at low cost.
Technology evaluation
Initially the Nimbus Gateway researched the use of a number of potential solutions for the overall VoiceTech platform. To further define the platform design using off-the-shelf components, funding from the Innovation Partnership Programme assisted with exploring similar solutions on market and the performance of preferred components from different use cases. Nimbus concluded that they would like to have more assurances in relation to the feasibility of the concept innovation. To support this, the company applied for an additional innovation voucher to continue with the evaluation of the technology and scope a potential roadmap for a full IPP.

Irish company
Innovation Vouchers
consultancy project
“The Nimbus Gateway has assisted my company with advice, consultancy and deliverables from funded projects. They have shown to be very approachable, responsive and determined to do what is right, cost effective and possible. I look forward to what we will achieve in the future.”
Dave Carthy
Owner, DMAC Technologies Ltd t/a VoiceTech
The DMAC Technologies & NIMBUS Technology Gateway partnership
The envisaged VoiceTech solution will need to compete with some very serious global players. There are gaps within similar offerings that VoiceTech aims to address. Nimbus is providing a sensible risk-free approach to defining the optimum architecture supported by available electronics. This is very much the beginning of a journey that will be further progressed. This activity with Nimbus has had a positive impact on the company.