Clinical evaluation of specific seaweed blends for the aquaculture industry

Animal feed solution
Ocean Harvest Technology (OHT), a global company with headquarters in Galway, produces animal feed solutions incorporating bioactive ingredients derived from seaweed. OceanFeed™ formulations are specially selected for their benefits to animal gut health and nutrient uptake. OceanFeed™ has been proven to provide immune support, improve quality, and reduce or eradicate the need for many chemicals and antibiotics that are commonly used in animal production. OceanFeed™ improves feed intake and increases production, weight gain, and fertility in multiple species.
Seaweed extracts
Seaweed extracts
In collaboration with GMIT’s MET Technology Gateway and Marine and Freshwater Research Centre, OHT successfully secured an Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership to clinically evaluate a number of specific seaweed blends for the aquaculture industry. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, the global salmon industry was worth nearly $12 billion in 2015. However, the control of parasites such as sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) and Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) is having a severe economic impact on the industry.
OHT observed positive effects from some specific seaweed extracts on controlling sea lice infections in farmed salmon; however, further quantification and scientific evaluation were required by the company for sustainable, immuno-stimulatory feed development.

global company
billion salmon industry
Innovation Partnership
“Through this Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership with GMIT, Ocean Harvest Technology was able to clinically evaluate a number of seaweed blends for salmon aquaculture. This collaboration generated the relevant scientific evidence to inform the company’s decision as to which seaweed-blend formulations to take forward into large-scale salmon-feed production trials.”
Ocean Harvest
The Ocean Harvest & MET partnership
GMIT has Ireland’s only indoor, land-based, marine recirculation facility licenced by the Health and Regulatory Authority (HPRA). Working with OHT, customised salmon feeds were developed to incorporate the company’s proprietary seaweed blends. Various feeds were tested using small-scale in-vivo feeding trials and evaluated for their ability to modify the immune system in salmon using laboratory-based proteomic and genomic techniques.
A bioassay was developed at the MET Gateway to emulate and evaluate the feeding capability of sea lice on fish mucus, sourced from the skin of the seaweed-fed fish. Also, the capability existed to test the seaweed blends directly on the viability of sea lice and on Paramoeba perurans, the causative agent of AGD. The work carried out by the MET Gateway will enable OHT to have confidence in its product development strategy based on scientific data, and give it a competitive advantage in the global salmon industry.